First in The MthR Trinity

The year is 2050. A visionary new future is being co-created from the aftermath of a series of civil wars that rocked Old Europe. Developed by the pioneering community in Mont Blanc, an advanced AI called MthR now connects with people through the unique MthR Trinity of bionic contact lenses (BCLs), ear piece (ER WrD), and hand-held device (Palm). This uniquely seamless melding of gaming, work, and social interactions with hyper-connected augmented reality (Aug-Y) quickly rocketed MthR to cult status.

At a time of post-war scarcity with little social support, people are encouraged into newly constructed MthR CntRs to enjoy a relatively comfortable life where all physical and emotional needs are catered for in a newly developing cashless society. However, MthR’s creators in Mont Blanc have to face their many detractors as MthR’s presence creates unforeseen consequences in the lives of those already battling to understand an emerging, visionary poetic connection within themselves, as well as with the natural world, technology, and each other.

The Madness of Sara Mansfield is the first in polyphonic trilogy, The MthR Trinity, that weaves an array of coalescing and conflicting voices into a single work of fiction asking us to question if there can be such a thing as an objective truth when people exist in myriad realities.

Publishing Schedule for The MthR Trinity:

The Madness of Sara Mansfield REDUX: published 18th Sept 2024.
Book 2: Rise of The Red Night: due in 2025.
Book 3: Title to be determined: due in 2026.


The first glimmers of The MthR Trinity surfaced in the mind in 2013 during the creation of an intuitive collage piece, Coflyfr: experimentations with time.

On 21st July 2013 while sitting in such a place I wrote:

I lay where two rivers join
and dreamed
the madness of Sarah Mansfield

At this point I knew only that I would write a novel, and from there the quest to discover and map the work began. Coflyfr was created in response to a study of The Mabinogion, some of our oldest Brythonic myths, and the pages in which I first met Rhiannon and Geraint who went on to feature in The MthR Trinity.
One of the elements that most stuck me about The Mabinogion was the distinct lack of moralising. None of the characters could be considered inherently good or bad in any way we might recognise, instead they act out of a determined self-interest with the results being unexpectedly relevant to today’s understanding of the human psyche.